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Command Channel of Psychiatric Control August 2001
In any system or organisation, there is always a hierarchy - with the top echelon consisting of a few individuals. Control and commands come from the few at the top.
Here is the command channel of all the world strife occurring at this time.
( Within this groups web site is a section called - new web site lists scientists links to industry which has a sub-section Farmaceutical Facts which has a sub-section No Free Lunch which has a statistical compilation of $-drug advertising-general medical practitioner relationship. Example; Drug companies spend billions and billions of dollars on advertising as well as sending their salesmen to the general medical practitioners, who are given huge amounts of free samples. According to these statistics as many as 96% of GPs take the drugs themselves, and give them to family and friends, as well as to their patients.)
The COLLEGE OF MENTAL HEALTH PHARMACISTS feeds new recruits to the UK PSYCHIATRIC PHARMACY GROUP, while the UK PSYCHIATRIC PHARMACISTS helps run the college with funds obtained from Drug Companies.
Members of the COLLEGE OF MENTAL HEALTH PHARMACISTS act as consultants to the NHS Trusts, while still holding jobs in hospitals and on committees, and working in the college.
THE COMMONWEALTH FUND OF NEW YORK which has a strong influence in World Health.
The HARKNESS FELLOWSHIP gives $75,000 to the recipients of many grants to travel to America for a nine-month period, and learn from, make contacts with, and consort/link with drug companies and health policy-making experts.
Dr Nicolar Gray ( just recently became a Fellow of the ROYAL PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY of GB )
While in America she is to a) explore the adolescent use of internet as an information channel about health and medicines, b) attend Academy of Health Services Research & Health Policy in Washington, in 2002, c) make contact with the American Pharmaceutical Ass. Travelling with her will be Professor Judy Cantrill, Professor Peter Noyce and Dr Jonathan Klein.
The Fellowship is to raise awareness of benefits of pharmaceutical input to health policy and adolescent health policy.
Dr Nicola Gray already has an on-going doctoral research into how young adults self-medicate and manage minor ailments.
The Fellowship allows mid-career professionals from Aust., N.Z., and U.K. the opportunity to conduct research projects in USA and work with leading policy experts. It also allows participation in the INTERNATONAL SYMPOSIUM OF HEALTH CARE POLICY.
Dr Carmel H Hughes ( from Queens Uni Belfast ) in the recent past won a Harkness fellowship in 1998, for a project to evaluate prescribing and related clinical outcomes in US Nursing homes as a basis for a UK model.
Others who have recently become Fellows of the ROYAL PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY are; 1 Mrs Mary Allen - in UK Psychiatric Pharmacists Ass. - in National Pharmaceutical Group. - is Chairman of Health Education Authority Pharmacy. 2 Sheila Kelly - on Board of Euro Proprietary Medicines Manufacturers Association
3 Paul Akubue - World Health Org.
4. Veni Harania - works for Nucare
5. Peter Marshall - works for Numark
6 Graeme Millar - Scottish Pharmaceutical General Council - was on NHS Trust for Sick Kids - was on Scottish Societys Executive Pharmacy. 7 Ken Seal - works for Excell Bros. / Group Pharmacy.
8 Ben Zetland - chairman of National Pharmaceutical Ass.
9 Professor Trevor Smart - editor of the Journal of Physiology and NeuroPharmacy.
Address; Roy Osborn Director of International Program in Health Policy. The Commonwealth Fund 1 East 75th St New York NY 10021 USA E-MAIL ro@cwf.org www.cmwf.org
- makes grants available to improve health practice and policy, internationally. -issues 50 reports each year on areas of health practice and policy. -concerns of insurance coverage and access to care. -improving public spaces and services ( funding for poor city areas to make them reach for health care)
CMWF recently co-sponsored the Bipartisan Congressional Health Policy Conference - among many other get-togethers - which brought together congressmen and leading health policy experts on health care, medical errors and MENTAL HEALTH.
CMWF of NY is a private foundation, which does co-events and co-conferences and co-sponsoring with another bigger private foundation- BEESON PHYSICIAN FACULTY SCHOLARS ( developing leaders in age-ing research training and practice).
BEESON is one of the largest, if not the largest, privately funded programs in the USA dedicated to training the future leaders in geriatric training, research and medicine- worth over $30 million.
BEESON is funded by - the John A Hartford Foundation - the Commonwealth Fund - the Starr Foundation - the Alliance of Aging Research ( on behalf of donor friends)
All four were originally set up by independent successful people for the welfare of mankind but when taken over by boards of directors etc., they became dedicated to health and medicine care.
The Alliance of Aging Research is worth billions of dollars. It funds hospitals, universities etc; funds research into Alzheimers Disease and other health problems; and is in the process of getting an alternative bill passed for human cloning. ( Through Whitehouse Representatives - Republican Jim Greenwood PA and Democrat Peter Deutsch FL )
On the Board of Directors, of Alliance of Aging Research, are members from Proctor and Gamble Co. Medical Co., and Smithline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, and many more distinguished medical and big business people.
Alliance of Aging Research is funded/sponsored by;
Glaxo SmithKline which deals in psychiatric drugs.
Pfizer - depression medication among others.
Novartis - deals in psychiatric drugs for depression and
childrens drugs (for ADHD)
John A Hartford Foundation has as its custodian - JPMorgan Chase & Co.
NOVARTIS has as a nominee shareholder, with voting rights, Chase Manhattan
When JPMorgan and Chase merged recently, it appears that JPMorgan was the senior partner.
Chase was built up from the mergers of water supply monopoly of NY changing to Chase Manhattan Bank and then to merging with the Hanover Bank that changed to the Chemical Banking Corp- to finally end up as Chase.
JPMorgan was originally a merchant bank and merged with a Fench Bank to become Morgan Haiyes& Co which then merged with Guaranty Trust Co to form JPMorgan
JPMorgan and Chase Manhattan Corp merged in the late 90s to form JPMorganChase & Co.
JPMorgan & Chase previously had a section called JPM Pierpont Funds, which was still earlier called PIERPONT FUNDS ( before the merger ).
Even now, after the merger, PIERPONT GROUP INC still assist the Trustees of JPMorgan Chase in exercising supervisory responsibilities of investing their wealth.
JPMORGAN & CHASE use JPMorgan Fund Distribution, Inc., to handle their investment funds.
JPMorgan Fund Distribution Inc is a subsidiary of BISYS GROUP INC.
BISYS GROUP INC do all the investments work for the American Bankers Association as well as most of the big business and insurance companies in America, and elsewhere.
The name BISYS GROUP INC is a listing of NASDAQ National Market System.
BISYS GROUP INC evolved over the last 11 years;
- 1989 acquired many major banks, businesses and insurance companies. And became the number 1 endorsed company used by American Bankers Association in 1998.
- 1999 formed a partnership with ROTHSCHILD ASSET MANAGEMENT, and continued to buy out major banks, businesses and insurance companies.
The former Chairman of Chase Federal Bank is a consultant for this group( BISYS ).
Also, in June 2001 Denis A Bovin joined BISYS GROUP INC as the vice chairman. He is on many boards and councils including Council of Foreign Relations and The Defense Science Board - which advises the Sec of Defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is also on the Exec. committee of MIT.
NASDAQ ( National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. )
- 1961 US Dept. SEC proposed automation as solution for markets and charged NASD with its implementation. This name was later changed to NASDAQ. - 1994 NASDAQ surpassed the New York Stock Exchange. - 1998 merges with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong as a partnership. -1999 becomes the largest US stock market. Joined others around the world in partnerships, including Softbank Corp. of Tokyo.
Some of the Governors of NASDAQ.
Vice Chairman - Stephen L Hammerman; involved in philanthropic, educational and community affairs.
Board member - Raymond A Mason ; trustee or board member of many educational and philanthropic institutions.
Board Nominee -Charles W Colangelo; term of office in NASDAQ to be from 2000-2003. In the past he had a legislative consulting firm from 1985 to 1997 representing several towns, schools and mental health agencies. He also was a board member of Nassau County Mental Health Ass. He is currently the Chairman of the Board of the New York State MENTAL HEALTH Association and also serves as a NASD arbitrator.
A Governor who retired from the Board in 2000 was the former and 38th President of the USA - GERALD R FORD.
ROTHSCHILD ASSET MANAGEMENT ( in partnership with BISYS GROUP INC - which is a listing of NASDAQ ) is based in Luxembourg within the ROTHSCHILD empire.
ROTHSCHILDS has a great influence on corporate culture around the world, especially in France, Germany and America - with banking control, insurance control, investments control and, no doubt, influence over government policy.
Rothschild Bank AG Switzerland
Some of the Board Members - Prof Dr Edoardo Anderheggen - Dr Jurg F Geigy - Dr Rudolf Tschani - Dr Leonardo Vannott
Dr Jurg F Geigy
- Was Treasurer of the former Geigy & Ciba-Geigy Group before he joined Bank Baer in Zurich as a member of its Management Committee in 1975 - 1991 joined Rothschild Corporate Finance AG in Zurich as CEO and became a member of the Board of Directors of Rothschild Bank AG Zurich - he was into bio-technology - was adviser and director of Biogen 1978-1982 - has doctoral degree from Law School of the University of Basel - Biogen is a biopharmaceutical co. principally engaged in the business of developing, manufacturing and marketing of drugs for human healthcare.
Ciba-Geigy was formed from CIBA AG and JRGEIGY AG which is where the formation of Friedrich Miesher Institute ( NOVARTIS RESEARCH FOUNDATION ) began. This happened after CIBA incorporated into NOVARTIS.
SEVEN out of the twelve on the Board of Directors are DOCTORS of some description.
ROTHSCHILDS and MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST are the two leading Banks in the minority of Banks that run LBMA ( LONDON BULLION MARKET ASS. ) and control the worlds gold and silver.
There is only one question that we need ask ourselves;
Why are leading pharmaceutical people, and doctors of medicine and mental health ( PSYCHIATRISTS ), being put into world power positions within the largest banking empires, investment management empires and in control of the worlds gold reserves?
Of course, the answer would definitely NOT BE to ensure that world drug dependence CONTINUES at whatever cost.
Of course, these few individuals have our Health as their only goal. But THIS must depend on how we look at the word - HEALTH.
The Psychiatry Theory is based on the belief that the highest attainment possible to man can only be through the enhancement and development of the BRAIN. This includes every form of experiment carried out on humans and animals,( such as electric treatment, drugs, slicing off sections of the brain to see what happens, the possible introduction of microchips inserted in the skull, human cloning, etc )
Anything else - such as God, The Supreme Being, Soul, Spirit, Faith, Religion, The Spirit of Mother Earth, The Spirit of National Identity, Ghosts, Demons, New Age Beliefs, Spiritual Qualities, etc - is considered to be a delusion caused by an imbalance of chemicals and/or a malfunction of nerve impulses in the BRAIN.
If this seems unbelievable, read some Psychiatric textbooks!
The Psychiatrists believe that the only three ways that these delusions can be cured are by DRUGS, ELECTRIC SHOCK THERAPY and RE-EDUCATION.
( The TRUTH is that these three cures actually put to sleep any sort of spiritual identity, creative impulse or belief-in-oneself. )
To wipe out these delusions can also be speeded up by MEDIA control and the instigation of WAR amongst Religious Groups and Nations.
In WAR, Religion and National Pride are always dealt the heaviest blows.
Doesnt it seem a little strange that ALL of the national TV channels, and the Newspapers and Radio stations, broadcast exactly the same news items from day to day? ( ALMOST WORD FOR WORD and with THE SAME PICTURES/FILM - almost identical no matter which TV station you are watching, or which Radio you are listening to, or which newspaper you are reading. )
When someone has the Worlds gold reserves under their control, anything is possible.
The leading banks of the world, who dictate to the leaders of WORLD POWERS are being manipulated by Psychiatrists, to achieve their own aims and goals - which boils down to the advancement of civilisation through the chemical/nerve/electrical re-development of the BRAIN, and Human Cloning.
At the moment, Psychiatrists are above the law. Anyone, including yourself, can be detained in a psychiatric hospital/prison for an indefinite period without recourse to a fair trial. While imprisoned, the person is forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation which always includes drug treatment and/or electric shock therapy.
Schools are hard up for cash. Teachers are banned from punishing disobedient children. Through the government, Psychiatrists have set up a system where schools and parents get compensation for every child labelled mentally ill with ADHD ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ) The child is then put on ADHD drugs, which cause long term drug addiction and creates a zombie-like hypnotic state. In this way the child becomes susceptible for re-education. Millions of schoolchildren are on ADHD drugs already! Drug-crazed kids are shooting innocent school-children. ADHD drugs have the same chemical composition as SPEED and COCAINE, and are listed as class-A drugs with other dangerous drugs such as HEROIN.
ADHD drugs cripple children.
The most often used words used by patients after a session of ELECTRIC SHOCK THERAPY are: I feel so degraded. I feel like I have been mentally raped. Yet Government allows thousands of patients to receive ECT ( electric convulsive therapy ) every year.
Our food, water and air are being saturated with drugs and chemicals.
Within the next few years, with the creation of the German Super-state system ( EURO ), Nationalism will cease to exist, and along with it the Spirit of National Pride will be destroyed. Multi-corporations will dictate prices, employment and wages. And the Multi-corporations will follow commands from the World Banks.
Interest Slavery ( from bank loans ) already has millions of people chained to the grind-stone and suppressed into the worst kind of apathy ever seen.
Whoever sits on the Boards of Directors of the World Banks will have the final say around the PLANET.
At the moment, from the data gathered in this investigation, there seems to be too many people sitting on the boards of directors ( in world organisations/banks ) with the title DOCTOR before their names.
Is this just a co-incidence?
OR, is this the exposure of the top elite secret society behind the many secret societies that currently direct, control or own monopolies around the planet.
For us to achieve WORLD PEACE, only one thing has to be done:
Anonymous Report